Aqua Bound asked me to head to Norway and shoot a series of images for a new Norwegian based campaign. Below are a selection of images from that trip.

Kayaking Norway in front of glacier
Kayaking in Norway with Aqua Bound paddles
Aqua Bound Posi lock system
Paddlers stand on a small island in front of a glacier in Norway with Aqua Bound Paddles
Aqua Bound paddles tie on to a kayak
Kayak paddler looks outward in her kayak.
3 kayakers paddle up the main river in Bergen with the sun setting
Kayak paddle adjust her drysuit holding Aqua Bound paddle
Reflection of kayak in sunglasses whilst he paddles
2 kayak paddlers chat in front of glacier in Norway
Kayak paddler paddles hard as part of a glacier collapses behind him
Aqua Bound paddle half in water
Kayak paddle sits on a rock behind his kayak with Aqua Bound paddle
Group of kayakers paddle towards glacier
Kayaks and paddles lined up
2 kayakers paddle past boats in Bergen
4 kayakers paddle towards camera with Aqua Bound paddles
Kayaker sits on a rock with her Aqua Bound paddle with sun behind
Kayaker paddles towards camera with Aqua Bound paddle
Kayaker pulls his kayak out of the water
Kayakers rest in a cave in Norway
Kayaker paddles around tiny icebergs in front of glacier
Kayakers paddle in Bergen harbour in front of colourful houses
Kayakers stand on a island with Aqua Bound paddles in hand
Kayaker carries her kayak on her shoulder
Group of kayakers paddle away from sunset behind at sea